“Game of Businessâ€: a Game for Use in Introductory Accounting
The role of introductory accounting classes is to introduce the vocabulary, methodology, and application of an accounting system to students who have little or no background in business. This paper presents a hands-on tool for providing review and reinforcement of the accounting cycle. Based loosely on the Hasbro Game of LifeTM, the tool provides an opportunity to practice transaction analysis and review the accounting cycle. At the same time, the game can be used to introduce students to the Annual Statement Studies online resource. This resource can be used to build a pro forma balance sheet with which to start the game. Finally the game can be used to introduce and encourage cooperative learning strategies.Downloads
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“Game of Businessâ€: a Game for Use in Introductory Accounting. (2012). The Accounting Educators’ Journal, 21(1). https://www.aejournal.com/ojs/index.php/aej/article/view/202