Competitive Online Case Presentations
Interaction among students does not occur as naturally in online classes as in face-to-face classes. However, interaction is important in helping students to feel engaged with a course. Online classes need structures where interaction can occur among students as well as between students and the instructor. This teaching note shows how competitive case presentations by groups can be used in an onnline course to prduce the engagement that results from more informal interaction in the classroom. Throughout the semester, teams of students present their solutions to cases online (two teams per case). The remaining students evaluate both teams using a survey instrument that allows for both quantitative and qualittative feedback. Course management software summarizes the results and the presenting teams receive feedback from a large number of peers as well as the instructor. Case presentations provide a vehicle through which students apply content knowledge, develop communication skills, and interact with peers. The interaction takes place in discussions as teams work on their presentations and through peer assessment of presentations.Downloads
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Competitive Online Case Presentations. (2010). The Accounting Educators’ Journal, 20(1).